临床外科杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 529-531.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6483.2024.05.025

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  1. 300000  天津, 联勤保障部队第九八三医院放射诊断科
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-01 修回日期:2023-06-01 接受日期:2023-06-01 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-05-25
  • 通讯作者: 郑丽楠,Email:zln1232023@163.com

Correlation between structural changes and imaging changes of quadriceps fat pad and prefemoral fat pad in patients with knee osteoarthritis

  1. Department of Radiology Diagnosis,Joint Logistic Support Force 9th 83rd Hospital,Tianjin 300000,China
  • Received:2023-06-01 Revised:2023-06-01 Accepted:2023-06-01 Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-05-25

摘要: 目的  探讨膝关节骨关节炎病人结构改变与股四头肌脂肪垫(QFP)和股前脂肪垫(PFP)影像学改变之间的关系。方法 2020年6月~2022年6月收治的膝关节骨关节炎病人100例,共150个膝关节,将150个膝关节分为两组,非膝关节放射学骨性关节炎(ROA)组和ROA组,比较两组的QFP、PFP各参数,分析各参数与KLG分级、Hoffa滑膜炎、渗出性滑膜炎的相关性。结果 ROA组QFP头尾径长于非ROA组,QFP高信号、PFP髌股高信号例数多于非ROA组,QFP肿块效应例数少于非ROA组,PFP最大厚度低于非ROA组;QFP高信号、PFP髌骨高信号与 KLG分级呈正相关(r=0.271、0.399),PFP最大厚度与KLG分级呈负相关(r=-0.418);QFP高信号与Hoffa滑膜炎呈正相关(r=0.330),QFP肿块效应、PFP最大厚度与Hoffa滑膜炎呈负相关(r=-0.291、-0.441);PFP最大厚度与渗出性滑膜炎呈负相关(r=-0.561)。PFP髌骨高信号与不同部位软骨缺损均呈正相关(r=0.320、0.418、0.358、0.410、0.291),QFP肿块效应、PFP最大厚度与不同部位软骨缺损均呈负相关(r=-0.3580.287、-0.287、-0.287、-0.170、-0.399、-0.438、-0.498、-0.457、-0.350),QFP前后径与胫骨内侧软骨缺损呈负相关(r=-0.260)。结论 QFP和PFP影像学改变与膝关节骨关节炎病人KLG分级、滑膜炎改变、关节软骨缺损、软骨下骨髓病变有相关性,在膝关节骨关节炎的发生与发展中占有重要的位置。

关键词: 膝关节骨关节炎, 结构改变, 股四头肌脂肪垫, 股前脂肪垫, 影像学改变, 相关性

Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between structural changes and imaging changes of quadriceps fat pad (QFP) and prefemoral fat pad (PFP) in patients with knee osteoarthritis.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 100 patients with knee osteoarthritis admitted to our hospital from June 2020 to June 2022,all of whom underwent magnetic resonance examination.100 patients had a total of 150 knees,and the 150 knees were divided into two groups:non-knee radiologic Osteoarthritis (ROA) group and ROA group.The basic data, QFP and PFP parameters of the two groups were compared, and the correlation between each parameter and KLG grade, Hoffa synovitis and exudative synovitis was analyzed.Results The head and tail diameter of QFP in ROA group was significantly longer than that in non-ROA group,the number of QFP high signal and PFP patellofemoral high signal cases was significantly higher than that in non-ROA group,the number of QFP mass effect cases was significantly lower than that in non-ROA group,and the maximum thickness of PFP was significantly lower than that in non-ROA group.QFP high signal and PFP patellar high signal were positively correlated with KLG grading (r=0.271, 0.399). The maximum thickness of PFP was negatively correlated with KLG grade(r=-0.418).QFP high signal was positively correlated with Hoffa synovitis (r=0.330).QFP mass effect and PFP maximum thickness were negatively correlated with Hoffa synovitis (r=-0.291, -0.441).PFP maximum thickness was negatively correlated with exudative synovitis (r=-0.561).  PFP patellar high signal was positively correlated with cartilage defects at different sites (r=0.320, 0.418, 0.358, 0.410, 0.291). QFP mass effect and PFP maximum thickness was negatively correlated with different sites of cartilage defects (r=-0.358,-0.287, -0.287, -0.287, -0.170, -0.399, -0.438,-0.498, -0.457, -0.350).The anteroposterior diameter of the QFP was negatively correlated with the medial tibial cartilage defect (r=-0.260).Conclusion Imaging changes of QFP and PFP are closely related to KLG grade,synovitis,articular cartilage defect,and subchondral myelopathy in patients with knee osteoarthritis,and play an important role in the occurrence and development of knee osteoarthritis.

Key words: knee osteoarthritis, structural change, quadriceps fat pad, prefemoral fat pad, imaging changes, correlation

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