临床外科杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 278-281.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6483.2021.03.021

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  1. 430000 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院胃肠外科
  • 出版日期:2021-03-20 发布日期:2021-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 陈礼升,Email:clsmail1990@163.com

Surgical analysis of 27 patients with duodenal foreign bodies

  1. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery Center,Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical Colledge,Huazhong University of Science and Technology Hubei,Wuhan 430000, China
  • Online:2021-03-20 Published:2021-03-20

摘要: 目的  总结十二指肠异物的临床特征和规范化外科治疗经验。
方法  2008年1月~2020年9月经术前检查(腹部平片、腹部CT和/或胃镜)证实为十二指肠异物并接受手术治疗的病人27例,主要手术方式包括十二指肠切开术、胃窦切开术和空肠切开术,附加手术方式包括喂养性空肠造瘘术、胃造瘘术。同时收集一般临床特征、手术时间、出血量、术后住院时间、并发症等资料。
结果  十二指肠异物主要包括柿石等植物性结石10例(37%),牙签4例(15%),刀片3例(12%)等。27例病例中,采取十二指肠切开术16例,胃窦切开术8例,空肠切开术3例。每种术式适合处理十二指肠不同部位(球部,降部,水平部和升部)的异物,十二指肠切开修补术平均手术时间(144±57)分钟,平均出血量(112±105)ml,平均术后住院时间(13.4±19.0)天。胃窦切开术和空肠切开术手术时间、出血量、术后住院时间均较十二指肠切开术有减少趋势。主要并发症为十二指肠肠漏1例,肺部感染2例,切口感染2例,再剖腹探查1例。
结论  十二指肠切开术主要针对水平部异物,胃窦切开术和空肠切开术分别适合十二指肠球降范围内和升部附近的异物。3种术式均安全可靠,临床上应针对异物滞留部位选择手术方式。

关键词: 十二指肠, 消化道异物, 手术

Abstract: Objective  To summarize and share the clinical characteristics and surgical management of duodenal foreign bodies.
Methods  A retrospective analysis was performed on 27 cases from January 2008 to September 2020 of duodenal foreign bodies confirmed by preoperative plain abdominal X-ray,Computed Tomography and/or endoscopy.The cases underwent indicated surgery including duodenotomy,gastrotomy and jejunostomy.The operation time,blood loss,complications and length of hospital stay were documented as well.
Results  The types of duodenal foreign bodies mainly included vegetal digestive calculi in 10 cases(37%),toothpicks in 4 cases(15%),razor blades in 3 cases(12%).Among the 27 cases,16 cases were treated by duodenotomy,8 cases by gastrotomy and 3 cases by jejunostomy.Each type of surgery was suited for a specific location of duodenal foreign bodies.The mean operation time of duodenotomy was(144±57)min,with mean blood loss(112±105)ml and(13.4±19.0)d as length of hospital stay.Trends of decreasing were observed in both gastrotomy and jejunostomy with regard to either mean surgical duration,blood loss or length of hospital stay.The main complications were duodenal anastomotic leakage(1 case),pulmonary infection(2 cases),incision infection(2 cases),and re-laparotomy(1 case).
Conclusion  Duodenotomy is mainly used for foreign bodies in the horizontal part of duodenum,while gastrotomy and jejunostomy are suitable for foreign bodies in the segment from duodenal bulb to nearby descending part and ascending part of duodenum respectively.All three types of surgery are safe and reliable.In clinical practice,we should choose the operations according to the foreign body retention position.

Key words: duodenum, foreign body, surgery

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