临床外科杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (7): 562-565.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6483.2019.07.007

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  1. 湖北省十堰市人民医院(湖北医药学院附属医院) 心胸外科
  • 出版日期:2019-07-20 发布日期:2019-07-20

Snail mediating the migration and invasion in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by regulating Ecadherin

  • Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-07-20

摘要: 目的:探索转录因子Snail、Ecadherin基因在食管鳞癌中的表达及临床病理意义,明确其对食管鳞癌迁移和侵袭的影响。方法:食管鳞癌组织及对应癌旁组织标本30例,PCR检测Snail、Ecadherin表达;以癌/癌旁组织相对表达量表示Snail及Ecadherin在mRNA水平表达的差异,分析其与临床病理特征间关系;随机抽取其中4例,Western blot检测Snail、Ecadherin表达。筛选三株食管鳞癌细胞株中的一株进行转染,利用Snail小干扰RNA作为实验组,以双链无义RNA转染作为对照组,检测Snail和Ecadherin表达水平变化,行细胞划痕、侵袭实验。结果:30例食管鳞癌组织较癌旁组织中Snail相对表达量高(1.96±0.75/0.52±0.43,P=0.04),Ecadherin相对表达量低(0.66±0.31/2.19±0.62,P=0.02);食管鳞癌中Snail相对高表达、Ecadherin相对低表达程度均与癌组织浸润深度(P=0.009)、淋巴结转移与否(P=0.047)相关。其中4例病人,癌组织相比对应癌旁组织中Snail蛋白表达高(0.73±0.13/0.23±0.08,P=0.00),而Ecadherin蛋白表达低(0.10±0.06/0.60±0.14,P=0.00)。选取EC109为实验细胞株,PCR结果显示,Snail小干扰RNA转染组较对照组中Snail表达减少(0.53±0.05/1.00±0.15,P=0.00),同时,Ecadherin表达上调(3.28±0.26/1.00±0.18,P=0.00);Western blot检测显示,抑制Snail蛋白表达后(0.25±0.05/0.41±0.10,P=0.03)EC109中Ecadherin蛋白表达上调(0.83±0.11/0.29±0.05,P=0.02)。划痕实验及Transwell细胞侵袭实验示,下调Snail表达后EC109迁移、侵袭能力均减弱(P<0.05)。 结论:转录因子Snail在食管鳞癌中相对高表达,并可能通过介导Ecadherin表达影响肿瘤迁移与侵袭。

关键词: 食管鳞癌, Snail, E-cadherin, 迁移, 侵袭

Abstract: Objective:To determine the expression of Snail and Ecadherin in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC).To detect the effect of Snail on influencing the migration and invasion of ESCC by targeting Ecadherin.Methods:The expression of Snail and Ecadherin were detected in 30 clinical ESCC samples and its adjacent normal epithelial samples via Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).The relative expression of Snail and Ecadherin in ESCC and its adjacent normal tissue were analysed with these 30 patients’ clinical pathological characteristics .The expression of Snail and Ecadherin in 4 random pairs of these 30 samples were investigated via Western Blot.Based on cell transfection of one ESCC cell line,the expression of Snail was downregulated with the Snail small interfering RNA (siRNA).Then the expression of Snail and Ecadherin expression in these models were analyzed and the cell wound healing assay and invasion functional experiment were carried out.Result:The relative expression of 30 cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma was higher than that of the adjacent tissues of Snail(1.96±0.75/0.52±0.43,P=0.04),the relative expression of Ecadherin was low(0.66±0.31/2.19±0.62,P=0.02).Depth of tumor invasion (P=0.009)and tumor metastasis to lymph nodes (P=0.047)were associated with overexpression of Snail and lowexpression of Ecadherin .In 4 random matched samples,the expression of Snail was 0.73±0.13 in cancer samples and 0.23±0.08 in its adjacent samples,meanwhile the expression of Ecadherin was 0.10±0.06 in tumor tissues and 0.60±0.14 in normal tissues(P=0.00).The cell line EC109 was selected into the transfection model.Compared with negative control group,depression of Snail(0.53±0.05/1.00±0.15,P=0.00)could restore the expression of Ecadherin (3.28±0.26/1.00±0.18,P=0.00)in mRNA level,as well as in the level of protein(0.25±0.05/0.41±0.10,P=0.03;0.83±0.11/0.29±0.05,P=0.02).Downregulated the expression of Snail also decreased the capability of migration and invasion in EC109(P<0.05).Conclusion:Relatively high expression of Snail in ESCC may influence the migration and invasion in ESCC by regulating Ecadheirn.

Key words: esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, Snail, E-cadherin, migration, invasion

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