临床外科杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 479-482.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6483.2022.05.022

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  1. 100102 北京,中国中医科学院望京医院血管外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-17 接受日期:2021-06-17 出版日期:2022-05-20 发布日期:2022-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 李学锋,Email:lixf19981998@sina.com

AngioJet thrombus aspiration device combined with balloon dilation in the treatment of acute obstruction of dialysis access

  1. Department of vascular surgery,Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100102,China
  • Received:2021-06-17 Accepted:2021-06-17 Online:2022-05-20 Published:2022-06-20

摘要: [摘要] 目的 分析评价AngioJet血栓抽吸装置配合球囊扩张的可行性和有效性。方法 2019~2020年我院收治的透析通路急性阻塞病人13例,采用AngioJet血栓抽吸装置配合球囊扩张治疗,以病人术前术后动静脉瘘震颤情况、超声下动静脉瘘血栓阻塞程度和心肌梗死溶栓前后血管血流分级(thrombolysis in myocardial infarction,TIMI),评估动静脉瘘血栓清除程度和血流灌注情况,据此进行临床疗效评价。结果 13例病人扩张治疗均获得成功,手术成功率为100%。术前TIMI分级0级13例。术后即刻TIMI分级2级13例,3级0例。术中13例残余狭窄>50%,予以高压球囊扩张成形术,造影后TIMI分级3级13例。13例病人治疗后即刻恢复震颤,术后24小时彩超提示,动静脉内瘘引流静脉管径≥5mm,血流量均>500ml/min。13例病人术中术后均未见消化道、颅内出血等严重并发症。13例病人出院6个月门诊随访,病人动静脉内瘘震颤良好;D二聚体<0.55ng/L;TIMI分级2级3例,3级10例;超声检查提示病人动静脉内瘘血流通畅,血流量均>500ml/min;能够满足透析要求。结论 透析通路急性阻塞的病人采用AngioJet血栓抽吸装置配合球囊扩张术进行治疗手术创伤小,并发症少,保瘘率高,操作简便,疗效确切。

关键词: 动静脉内瘘, AngioJet血栓清除术, 透析通路急性阻塞, 动静脉瘘狭窄 

Abstract: [Abstract] Objective To analyze and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of AngioJet thrombus aspiration device combined with balloon dilation for the immediate efficacy and short-term follow-up of 13 patients with acute dialysis access obstruction treated by AngioJet thrombus aspiration device in our hospital. Methods The clinical data of 13 patients with acute dialysis access obstruction treated by AngioJet thrombus aspiration device combined with balloon dilation in our department from 2019 to 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.The preoperative and postoperative arteriovenous fistula tremor,the degree of arteriovenous fistula thrombus obstruction under ultrasound and the blood flow grade before and after thrombolysis in myocardial infarction(TIMI) were analyzed.To evaluate the degree of thrombus clearance and blood perfusion of arteriovenous fistula and evaluate the clinical efficacy. Results 13 patients with acute dialysis access obstruction were treated with AngioJet thrombus aspiration device combined with balloon dilation successfully,the surgical success rate was 100%.Preoperative TIMI grade 0 in 13 cases.Immediately after operation,13 cases were graded 2,and 0 cases were graded 3.During the operation,13 cases of residual stenosis >50% were treated with high pressure balloon dilatation and angioplasty.After angiography,13 cases received TIMI grade 3.The 13 patients recovered tremor immediately after treatment,and color ultrasound 24 hours after surgery indicated that the diameter of the arteriovenous fistula drainage vein was ≥5mm,and the blood flow was >500ml/min.No serious complications such as digestive tract and intracranial hemorrhage were observed in the 13 patients.After 6 months of outpatient follow-up,13 patients were discharged:the arteriovenous fistula tremor was good;D-dimer <0.55ng/L;TIMI grade 2 in 3 cases and grade 3 in 10 cases;Ultrasonography showed that the blood flow in the arteriovenous internal fistula was patency in 13 patients,and the blood flow was >500ml/min.Able to meet dialysis requirements. Conclusion AngioJet thrombus aspiration device combined with balloon dilation in the treatment of patients with acute obstruction of dialysis access has the following characteristics:less surgical trauma,fewer complications,high fistula preservation rate,simple operation and definite curative effect.

Key words: arteriovenous fistula, AngioJet thrombotomy, acute obstruction of dialysis access, arteriovenous fistula stenosis

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